Sunday, March 24, 2013

Romance in Cancun

¡Hola from Mexico!

My mom and I are spending a few days warming up in Cancun! We've been laughing about how romantic our day was yesterday: We took long walks on the beach. We were seated side by side at dinner (candlelit) with a window to watch the chefs at work. And we spent Earth Hour on the beach watching the stars.

From 8:30 - 9:30 our hotel, Live Aqua, participated in Earth Hour! It felt like they really put in a lot of thought and effort to balance running a great hotel with participation in the movement. I'm so glad!

Beach for miles | Candlelight dinner at the best table in the house (and champagne with a cherry!)
Earth Hour: March 23, 8:30-9:30 p.m. | Lights out! Candles lit the hallway outside our room

Then I stayed up most the night finishing Gone Girl - so the romantic feeling ebbed away. But the book was excellent and I am very happy I finished book one for the trip! Wild is next on my list!

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